Children’s Historical Publishing Invites You to Be a Part of Our Celebration to Honor Strong Women in Dayton’s History

By Sherri Goudy

All of us at Children’s Historical Publishing have made it our mission to enrich the lives of grade school children in our community. Our vision is to educate and inspire the young people in our community by providing educational resources to empower at-risk youth.  Over the past 17 years, we have achieved this by putting over 560,000 books into the hands of students and teachers, integrating topics such as history, art, science and technology.

We want to announce that we have a new book in the works which will focus on empowering women and the rich history of women’s activism in Dayton.  Through individual passions and membership in clubs, Dayton women contributed to cultural, social, and civic change, including suffrage.  The book will be published and available to schools, teachers, and students just in time to celebrate Women’s History Month (March) 2019.

We will also be publishing regular articles celebrating the achievements that women organizers and club members devoted themselves throughout the history of Dayton, culminating in the establishment of cultural and civic institutions. See below for a sneak peak of what we’ll be sharing over the next few months to honor the amazing women of Dayton and what they accomplished!

Votes for Women: Celebrating 100 Years of Suffrage

On June 4th, 1919 the United States Senate passed the Nineteenth Amendment, and within days Ohio was one of the first states to ratify it, making it state law on June 16th. Official ratification occurred on August 26, 1920, after three quarters of state legislatures passed the Amendment. However, it would be 1984 before all states would officially ratify the 19th Amendment.

Gaining the right to vote was neither the beginning or the end of women’s work in Dayton for civil liberty. As we celebrate the centennial of women’s suffrage in Ohio and the entire country, we will share stories with you about the work women pursued to create a better community for themselves, and for us today. We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate and honor the strong women in our community, and to foster a feeling of empowerment in the youth of our community.


Pioneers of Greatness: The History of Women in Dayton