Our Mission

Children’s Historical Publishing (CHPS) was created in 2001 to provide Learning-Activity Books that integrated history, art, science, and technology to enrich the education of grade school students on underserved topics.

The books serve to educate, entertain and inspire children to grow and realize their potential. More than 500,000 books have been placed in the hands of children.

Our Vision

Children’s Historical Publishing works to confront educational inequity through programs about underserved topics in local grade schools. Our current direction includes teaching diversity and inclusion by developing program subjects such as Lincoln, Servant Leader, and Empowered Women: Ohio Women in the Military.

By engaging with community groups, diverse cultural organizations, and the Dayton VA Education Committee, we are driving impact across the Miami Valley region to achieve our vision that one day all children will be able to embrace other cultures as well as recognize opportunity by learning about local historic people and their achievements.

Our History

Our founding organization, Home Based Arts USA (HBA), a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, was founded by the late William F. Bell in 1994 with the mission of creating educational programs, products, and resources to empower the lives of children, especially minority, low-income, and at-risk youth. The organization endeavors to help children develop their minds, character, and appreciation for their community.